Home Personal Training How to Open a YouTube Fitness Channel

How to Open a YouTube Fitness Channel

Starting a YouTube fitness channel

Starting a YouTube channel can be an exciting and rewarding way to share your passions and expertise with a wide audience. However, with millions of channels already on the platform, it can be tough to stand out and attract viewers.

This blog goes into elaborate detail about how you can start a fitness YouTube channel, all the things you might need, and examples of channels to emulate. Let’s dive in.

Things you Need to Start a YouTube Fitness Channel

Starting a YouTube channel can be one of the easiest online businesses to launch. If you are planning to do voice-over-style content on top of some stock footage, the barrier for entry is even lower.

But that also means that there are probably hundreds of fitness videos out there with that same style and dozens of channels that produce the content. You need to stand out.

So if you want to create kick-ass YouTube videos that get picked up by the algorithm, here are 4 things you need to launch your YouTube channel correctly.

1. A Google account

In order to create a YouTube channel, you’ll need to have a Google account. If you don’t already have one, you can create one for free at https://accounts.google.com/signup. You don’t need to fret too much about your email name or avatar.

Just be sure to choose a strong password and set up 2FA so you can always have access to the email and by extension, your YouTube account.

2. Open a YouTube channel

Once you have a Google account, you can create a YouTube account and channel by going to https://www.youtube.com/create_channel. You’ll need to choose a catchy and memorable name for your channel and upload a profile picture that represents your brand.

Since it’s a fitness YouTube channel, consider choosing a name along those lines. You should also pick a cover photo that inspires confidence in you and your content. Many creators love to use pictures of themselves at their most shredded. You should consider doing the same.

3. Equipment

Depending on the type of content you want to create, you may need to invest in some equipment, such as a camera, microphone, and lighting. Let’s call this your fitness YouTube channel starter kit.

In the early days of YouTube, you could get away with shooting videos on your iPhone. These days, all the successful channels use 4k cameras to deliver exceptional video quality. You should strive to match this so that people can pay attention to your content.

4. A Content Calendar

Planning out your content in advance can help you stay organized and ensure that you’re consistently uploading new videos. Consider creating a content calendar to help you plan out your upload schedule.

What kind of content will you create for your fitness YouTube channel and how often? Will you need the input of other people on your team? Considering all this helps you stay on top of your content uploads, and as we’ll see later, can really help you win the algorithm’s favor.

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How Do You Build and Grow a Successful YouTube Fitness Channel

1. Identify Your Niche

The first step in starting a successful fitness YouTube channel is to identify your niche or the specific topic or area of expertise that you will focus on. This will help you attract a dedicated target audience and differentiate your fitness channel from others on the platform.

We’ve already identified fitness – otherwise, you wouldn’t be here. But it’s critical to niche down deeper. Will you create workout videos for newbies who need to hit the gym? Or workout pros looking to take their routines further.

There’s also an entire sub-niche for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts who are on PEDs. These channels create YouTube videos that talk about the latest compounds, their benefits and side effects, and of course, who might be taking what in the industry.

Pick a sub-niche that you know a fair bit about or that you can learn more about, and go for it! A fitness YouTube channel doesn’t have to be strictly about workout videos

2. Create High-quality Content

To keep viewers coming back for more, you have to consistently create high-quality content that is interesting, informative, and engaging.

That means you’ll need to spend time planning your fitness videos, often even before you ever hit record.

It also means taking time in editing to create a smooth experience for your viewers. The fewer jump cuts, the better because they are less jarring. You also want to make transitions that are easy to follow. It might be a good idea to hire a video editor if you don’t have any experience.

The most important thing to remember, though, is that your YouTube channel is primarily about fitness videos. Quality content for you means delivering on that promise, even if the editing isn’t 100% yet.

3. Use Compelling Titles and Thumbnails

The title and thumbnail of your video are often the first things that viewers see, so it’s important to make them as compelling as possible.

If you’ve spent any time on YouTube, you must have seen some of the craziest thumbnails, from those that leverage sexuality to those that use impossible to interpret images, forcing you to learn more.

The goal here is to use descriptive and attention-grabbing titles thumbnails that accurately represent the content of your video. You want to keep things accurate because people will rapidly click off if they discover that your video has a misleading title.

You don’t want your fitness YouTube channel to have a reputation for misleading viewers because you won’t keep subscribers for very long.

You should also pay attention to YouTube SEO. Using commonly searched phrases in yoru video’s title can

4. Engage with Your Audience

The algorithm takes into account the level of engagement a video receives, and it’s become a critical part of a YouTube video’s success.

This is why you often see people upload polarizing videos just to get a reaction out of people. The more pissed off people get, the more comments they’ll leave, which means the more traction the video will get.

You could certainly explore this option with your fitness YouTube channel, but you don’t have to. Instead, encourage your viewers to comment and engage with your videos. Don’t fall back onto the generic “like and subscribe” message either. Instead, give them a reason to comment by asking juicy questions.

One tactic that works is telling viewers of your YouTube channel how much liking a video helps your channel. If people love your content, they’ll want to support you however they can so liking the video becomes a no-brainer.

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5. Promote Your Channel

In order to attract new viewers, you’ll need to promote your channel and its content. Share your videos on social media platforms, participate in relevant online communities, and collaborate with other creators in your niche.

This is especially important in the early days of your fitness YouTube channel when you’re trying to build up an audience. Leverage your social network to drive as much traffic to your video content as you can. This includes using everything from Facebook and Twitter to Instagram and other platforms you might be on.

Driving traffic help expose your channel to a wider audience. Plus, the more viewers you have, the more the algorithm will promote your channel, so it’s a win-win. For more tips, check out this blog from Hootsuite about how to promote your YouTube channel.

6. Post Consistently and Follow Youtube’s Community Guidelines

Posting consistently is the quickest way to build a loyal following for your YouTube channel. The more you post, the more your followers will understand your style of video content, appreciate it, and begin to look forward to it.

But that’s not the only reason why you should post consistently. You see, YouTube’s algorithm favors channels that regularly upload new content. YouTube obviously wants users to keep coming back, and by posting consistently, you’re helping them make that happen.

It’s also important to adhere to the platform’s community guidelines. Now unless you’re creating especially controversial content, this should be a pretty easy thing to do.

Is it Worth it to Start a YouTube Fitness Channel?

Yes, it’s worth it to start a YouTube Fitness Channel, but only if you plan on playing the long game. The space is saturated, so you’ll need to niche down and differentiate your kind of content.

You’ll also need a plan for how to make money through other means besides YouTube ads revenue because that may take a while to pour in.

If you start your own fitness channel, you could use it to build your online personal trainer brand and use it as a lead generation tool. Share your top HIIT exercises for burning calories or unique insight on how to motivate lazy clients.

It doesn’t all have to be about monetizing your video content exclusively on YouTube.

Top Fitness YouTube Channels Right Now?

Here are some great examples of YouTube channels that have successfully found a niche, audience, and strategy that works.

Athlean-X (Building muscle and getting lean)

Athlean-X is dedicated to providing workouts, lifting tips, advice on how to build muscle, and other fitness-related video content. Jeff Cavaliere is the founder, and he leverages his experience as head Physical Therapist for the New York Mets, coupled with his knowledge of exercise science to educate his audience.

Athlean-X is a popular name in the fitness industry, and one of the most successful fitness YouTube channels, currently sitting at 13.1 Million subs. If you’re looking for a great example of a fitness YouTube channel to emulate, this is it.

More Plates More Dates (Quality information about steroids)

MPMD is a goated channel in the online fitness space, especially among people who are looking to take their routine to the next level. The channel was founded by Derek who has a strong background in pharmacology and uses that knowledge to break down steroid cycles and give his followers sound advice.

The channel also delivers fun fitness YouTube videos where Derek speculates on what he thinks famous jacked people including The Rock, Chris Helmsworth and Mark Whalberg are taking to maintain their physique.

The Running Channel (How to be a better runner)

The running channel is homebase for people who love running and would love to get faster. They focus on creating videos for beginner runners, providing tips so you can easily pick things up if you’re just training for your first 5k or similar milestones.

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The running channel is a great example of a workout YouTube channel that’s appropriately named – the title tells you what the channel is all about, and they deliver on that promise. The running channel is currently at 571k subscribers, and for a channel that’s exclusively about running, that’s very impressive

Yoga with Adriene (Yoga for everyone)

Yoga with Adriene is a successful YouTube channel with a collective 101 million views across the three most popular videos.

The channel is dedicated to providing yoga tips for everyone, from beginners to advanced yogis. The content ranges from increasing flexibility and loosening tight muscles to the best yoga poses for bedtime and the sunrise.

Yoga with Adriene is proof that as long as the exercise form exists and you make good content, you can grow your fitness YouTube channel. Be sure to take some fitness video ideas from her channel.

How to Make Money as a Fitness YouTuber

Three of the best ways to make money as a Fitness YouTuber are:

  • Have sponsorship deals with brands that align with your content
  • Promote your own products; everything from workout gear and supplements to diet plans
  • YouTube Ad revenue

There are also other ways to make money as a Fitness YouTuber. For example, if you’re a successful personal trainer, you could offer online PT services alongside the content you create on your channel.

You could also ask your subscribers to crowdfund your next creative project and share the results on your channel. Many YouTubers have upgraded their gear and studio thanks to the support of their online followers.

How Much Does it Cost to Start a Fitness YouTube Channel for Beginners?

The cost of starting a fitness YouTube channel can be anywhere from $100 to several thousand dollars. The actual amount will depend on a variety of factors, including the type of equipment you need, the cost of any props or accessories you may use in your videos, and any marketing or advertising expenses you incur.

Most people start a lean channel, which means they just get the equipment, run with it, and upgrade their gear as time goes on. In this way, you can keep your starting cost minimal, especially if you already have a half-decent camera. Expect to spend about $100 on this plan.

If you want to go bigger, here are a few of the potential costs you may need to consider when starting a fitness YouTube channel:

Props and accessories

Depending on the type of fitness content you create, you may need to purchase props or accessories like weights, exercise bands, or yoga mats.

If you start by recording your video in a public gym, all you really need to worry about is the subscription fee.

Marketing and advertising

To promote your channel and reach a wider audience, you may want to invest in marketing and advertising efforts like ads on social media platforms or sponsored content.

Some influencers in your space may also charge to share your content, and that may add to your startup costs.

What are the Benefits of Having a Fitness YouTube Channel

  • You Can Create Opportunities Down the Line
  • Generate Clients for Yourself
  • Become an influencer
  • Start other successful YouTube channels

The bottom line

Starting a fitness YouTube channel can be highly lucrative and rewarding if you do it right. If your question is, “should I start a Fitness YouTube channel?” The answer is yes if you’re prepared to put in the work.

Luckily, you have this guide to help you find your way.

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